Rik Lewis التطبيقات

Colour Ball for WatchMaker 1.1
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. The background is a multi-coloured ball of light. Thetime is displayed in 24 hour digital format, with the hour of theday in the middle, pointing the correct way for the analog hour,and the minute of the hour displayed at the back. Please check outmy blog... http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Nadir Classic for WatchMaker 1.0
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. "Nadir" means the lowest point or level, and that isreally what I'm aiming for with this series of watch faces. Theyare stripped back and minimalist, with a black background bydefault. The time is displayed in analog format, and the centre dotturns red when the battery level drops below 25%. This is the"classic" version of this watch face, which uses different sizeddots to represent each hand. Please check out my blog...http://wear360.blogspot.com.
WCG Online 1.1
Rik Lewis
World Community Grid enables anyone with acomputer, smartphone or tablet to donate their unused computingpower to advance cutting-edge scientific research on topics relatedto health, poverty and sustainability. Through the contributions ofover 650,000 individuals and 460 organizations, World CommunityGrid has supported 24 research projects to date, including searchesfor more effective treatments for cancer, HIV/AIDS and neglectedtropical diseases. Other projects are looking for low-cost waterfiltration systems and new materials for capturing solar energyefficiently.Active projects include: Outsmart Ebola Together, UncoveringGenome Mysteries, Mapping Cancer Markers, The Clean Energy Project- Phase 2 and FightAIDS@Home.The WCG Online website is designed to give you, a valued memberof the community, access to some more detailed statistics, as wellas some lovely pretty graphs.If you're not already a member, sign up here... http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/reg/viewRegister.do?recruiterId=959887Please note, this app and website are in no way affiliated withWorld Community Grid and will not allow you to run the BOINCsoftware on your Android devices. It is a fansite, built to provideadditional functionality and a more mobile friendly experience.
Gallifrey Edge for WatchMaker 1.1
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. This is a Gallifrey watch face - the hours are displayedusing the Gallifreyan numeral system, more details here...http://wear360.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/gallifrey-series-coming-soon.htmlThis is the "edge" version of this watch face, which displays thehours as the Galligreyan numeral but on the edge of the face, inthe position of the analogue hour hand, as well as minutes in themiddle in digital format, and AM/PM and the seconds. Please checkout my blog... http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Gyro Battery for WatchMaker 1.2
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. This is a very minimal which face - the time is displayedin 24 hour digital format, along with the date and the currenttemperature. An icon indicating the current weather is alsodisplayed in the background. All of this is affected by the gyro,so it will move as you move your watch. This is the battery meterversion of this watch face. The circular edge glows green when thewatch battery is fully charged, and goes through amber to red asthe battery level drops. Please check out my blog...http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Gyro Classic for WatchMaker 1.1
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. This is a very minimal which face - the time is displayedin 24 hour digital format, along with the date and the currenttemperature. An icon indicating the current weather is alsodisplayed in the background. All of this is affected by the gyro,so it will move as you move your watch. This is the classic versionof this watch face. Please check out my blog...http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Screensaver for WatchMaker 1.0
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. The background is black with time displayed like the oldWindows screensaver, in a bouncing rotating fashion, with a rainbowof colours. Clicking the center will change the rainbow of coloursinto plain white text. The date is also displayed at the top.Please check out my blog... http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Style Minimal for WatchMaker 1.2
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. This is a stylish watch face - the time is displayed inanalog format with hour and minute hands, along with the secondscircling smoothly around the outside. There is also the date, butnothing more. This is the "minmal" version of this watch face,which has nothing to indicate the points on the face. Please checkout my blog... http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Gallifrey 24 for WatchMaker 1.1
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. This is a Gallifrey watch face - the hours are displayedusing the Gallifreyan numeral system, more details here...http://wear360.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/gallifrey-series-coming-soon.htmlThis is the "24" version of this watch face, which displays each ofthe four digits of a 24 hour clock individually (HH:MM). Forexample, the image below shows 16:51. Please check out my blog...http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Gallifrey Hands for WatchMaker 1.1
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. This is a Gallifrey watch face - the hours are displayedusing the Gallifreyan numeral system, more details here...http://wear360.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/gallifrey-series-coming-soon.htmlThis is the "hands" version of this watch face, which displays thetime with analogue hands as well, along with AM/PM and the seconds.Please check out my blog... http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Gallifrey Digi for WatchMaker 1.2
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only with WatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed and tested on aMoto 360. This is a Gallifrey watch face - the hours are displayedusing the Gallifreyan numeral system, more details here...http://wear360.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/gallifrey-series-coming-soon.htmlThis is the "digital" version of this watch face, which displaysthe minutes in the middle in digital format, along with AM/PM andthe seconds. Please check out my blog...http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Style Numerals for WatchMaker 1.2
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only withWatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed andtested on aMoto 360. This is a stylish watch face - the time isdisplayed inanalog format with hour and minute hands, along withthe secondscircling smoothly around the outside. There is also thedate, alongwith two dials, one to display the watch battery leveland anotherto display the phone battery level. This is the"numerals" versionof this watch face, which uses 4 major numeralsand 8 minornumerals, to indicate the points on the face. Pleasecheck out myblog... http://wear360.blogspot.com.
Pong for WatchMaker 1.1
Rik Lewis
This is a watch face which will only withWatchMaker(http://goo.gl/FMxUfY). It is circular, designed andtested on aMoto 360. The background is black with a black and whiteanimatedpong match which goes on indefinitely under the clockdetails -maybe one day someone will score?. The time is displayedin 24 hourdigital format, with date underneath. Please check out myblog...http://wear360.blogspot.com.